iPHone Watch health features

4 Ways The New Apple Watch Can Make You Healthier!

Can It Really Make You Healthier?iPHone Watch health features

While Apple has a flair for the dramatic when announcing new products, the release of the new Apple Watch may infact be a game changer when it comes to your health and fitness. The Apple Watch will measure not only the quantity of your movement, but it also the quality and frequency of your activity while tracking it all for you.

Over the course of time, the Apple Watch will take what it has learned about your physical activity and offer suggestions for customized daily fitness goals. The hope is that this will make all users more physically active and healthier.

GPS Technology

In addition to all of the traditional built in Apple communication features, the Apple Watch utilizes GPS and Wi‑Fi in your iPhone to track how far you’ve moved. And if you are not moving . . . it will let you know!

4 Ways The New iPhone Watch Can Make You Healthier

1. Connectedness (to combat loneliness)

Health features on the new iphone watch - Denver, ColoradoNew ways to connect with your loved ones will help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. The tap feature allows others know you are thinking about them, while the heartbeat feature allows you to send your current your heartbeat to someone. 

2. Heart Rate Monitor

If you work out, chances are you are measuring your calorie expenditure by targeting a certain cardio zone while exercising. The tracking of your heart rate is paramount to reaching those “burning fat” levels.

Residual Benefit Example: If your Mother lives far away and you want to track her heart rate from her Apple Watch, the information can simply be sent to your phone!

3. Exercise Reminder

Setting calorie burn goals, tracking activity levels and establishing reminders to keep you moving are all part of the Apple Watch suite of apps. Keeping your more active utilizing reminders will help to keep you stay on track for your personal health goals.

4. Get Up Feature

The Apple Watch will prompt you to get off your butt if it notices that you have been sedentary for too long. This reminder to keep moving could add value even throughout your workday when you may not notice that you have been idle for so long. Even though busy schedules seem to dictate our lives, some movement throughout your day is better than none and a little push may not hurt.

Note: Don’t be surprise to see Apple announcing additional health care breakthroughs in the coming years –