Antioxidants ~ Nature’s Anti-Aging Miracle

Looking for that fountain of youth-style solution to fight the signs of aging?

Unfortunately, science hasn’t quite gotten us there just yet.  There are a number of things you can do in the meantime to fend off old age in the meantime, and one of the best methods is to up your antioxidant intake.

You may be asking yourself, what exactly is an antioxidant?  Antioxidants are enzymes that counteract the damaging effects of oxidation in tissue. Some of the more popular examples of antioxidants found in food are vitamin a, vitamin c, zinc, selenium and beta carotene. Fruits and vegetables are often very rich in these antioxidants, with some of the best examples being spinach, carrots, tomatoes, berries, oranges and grapefruit.

There are a number of things that antioxidants can do to slow the aging process. As we age, our natural cell division and replacement of dead cells begins to slow. Antioxidants can help to boost this cell division process and literally help keep us youthful at a cellular level.

Probably the most well-known benefit to antioxidants is their ability to help the body fend off free radicals. These free radicals have been linked to causing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, degenerative brain diseases and more. They are found just about everywhere, including air pollution, drugs and alcohol, unhealthy food and even sunshine. Antioxidants help to naturally remove these free radicals and keep the body healthy.

Antioxidants have a number of other amazing benefits to help keep you healthy and youthful, including (but not limited to):

  • Relaxing your blood vessels and limiting the oxidation of unhealthy cholesterol in the blood stream, helping to reduce your risk of heart attack and strokes.
  • Targeting and destroying unhealthy, cancerous cells. Antioxidants are also being studied as a treatment for cancer in combination with radiation.

If you didn’t have enough reason to eat more fruits and vegetables, just remember how many good things these awesome antioxidants can do to keep your body healthy and youthful. Eat a spinach salad, snack on some berries or have a grapefruit for breakfast. We promise it really does do a body good.