Immune system health and your hormones


It’s a good bet that pretty much everyone is concerned about that corona virus lurking out there ready to take on anyone who comes in its path. So what do you do? Wash hands? Check. Social distance? Check. Wear mask? Always. Keep immune system strong? What? The immune system. You’ve probably heard the phrase, but usually associated with seniors who are most at risk because their immune systems aren’t as strong as they should be. And while it’s true that as we age, our immune response capability becomes reduced, the real truth is that immune strength can be compromised at any age. So everyone’s at risk.


So what, exactly, is the immune system? The primary purpose of your immune system is to protect against pesky pathogens like bacteria, fungi, worms, and yep, viruses. Bug bad guys that want nothing more than to attack your body, breaking it down to make it more susceptible to injury and illness. Your immune system is the bouncer for what gets in and what stays out of your body. When it is working, the viruses and toxins don’t have a chance. When it’s not, the floodgates are wide open.


Just to up your immune system knowledge a notch, there are actually two subsystems within the immune system, known as the innate (non-specific) immune system and the adaptive (specific) immune system. Both of these subsystems are closely linked and work together whenever a germ or harmful substance triggers an immune response.

The innate immune system provides a general defense against harmful germs and substances using immune cells such as natural killer cells and phagocytes (“eating cells”) to fight harmful substances that enter the body.

The adaptive (specific) immune system makes antibodies and uses them to specifically fight certain germs that the body has previously come into contact with. Because the adaptive immune system is constantly learning and adapting, the body can also fight bacteria or viruses that change over time.


Ah, vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin. You get the rays, you get the D’s. Most people think vitamin D is mostly about strong teeth and healthy bones. But take notes here; One of the main functions of vitamin D is to help activate T cells, aka the “killer cells” in the body. T cells actually detect and destroy foreign pathogens — like viruses. “That makes vitamin D especially crucial for maintaining a functioning immune system that’s capable of fighting back foreign pathogens. And take note of this; Vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide. On a last note, vitamin D is actually a hormone. Huh? Along with vitamin K, it is one of the only two vitamins/hormones produced by the body. More on hormones and the immune system in a minute. So keep reading.


Basking in the sun (hopefully with a significantly high SPF) can get you a little D. Supplements a bit more. But neither is going to make a serious dent in boosting your immune health. So what else might help? Getting a good night’s sleep? Always a good idea. Eating right? When is that ever not good. Moving your body? Couldn’t hurt. Easing up on the stress? Are you kidding? Really? Now? The point is, while all these things can’t hurt your health, they really can’t do the work your immune system needs to stay strong.


Now we’re at the part where you put down your latte (or bag of Doritos) and really pay attention. Hormones have everything do to with immune health. When they’re in balance, they bolster our immune system like a suit of armor. When the body’s hormones are either too high, or too low, the immune system can be adversely impacted. Low thyroid levels can hamper the body’s response to viruses, and also cause a sluggish response to inflammation. Extremely high or low estrogen levels affect immunity. Low levels of progesterone have been linked to some autoimmune diseases. The adrenal glands which produce hormones like cortisol, play an important regulatory role in the immune response. So when the adrenals are fatigued, decreased adrenal hormone production may contribute to decreased immune function, with consequent increased susceptibility to infectious illness. Balanced hormones are the best ammo in better immune function. The problem (as if you don’t have enough already) is that very few people actually know if their hormones are balanced.


It’s never been more important than now to find out if your hormones are out of balance. We know it can all seem a bit overwhelming (understatement anyone?). But we can make it simple for you. The hormone specialists at Denver Hormone Health know everything there is to know about hormones. And their highly trained professionals are experts in treating every type of hormone issue than can be caused by hormone imbalances. At Denver Hormone Health, they understand what it’s like to wonder if your immune system can put up a battle against what’s lurking out there. Including the novel coronavirus. With advanced screening, they can determine if your hormones are, in fact, out of balance. (Most peoples are). These tests allow them to target which hormones need balancing which allows them to create an individualized treatment plan uniquely designed to keep your immune system going strong. Call or text Denver Hormone Health now. Time to put the gloves on.



Sorry, but it’s a fact:

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men women and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 37 seconds in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease. But no one has to tell you how scary heart disease is. No one is immune. At almost any age.


With the threat of heart disease ever looming, people are trying to become more informed about what they can do to avoid it. They think they get it, but do they? Yes, more fruits and veggies, fish, skinless poultry (but the skin’s the good part) lean meat, (wait, burgers are a national pastime) nuts, legumes (how many of you actually do legumes?). Yes, more fiber (who’s actually comfortable even discussing it?) No, not a lot of sugar. (But Ben and Jerry are like family). Not too much caffeine. (Name a decaf that has real taste). 30 minutes of exercise. Both aerobics and strength training. That ought to do it. Right? It’s a good start. (So start, already.)


No matter how well you eat and how much you exercise, heart attacks can attack from a number of outside influences:

  • Heavy physical exertion
  • Furious arguments or gut-churning anger
  • Weather
  • Air pollution
  • Infections
  • Sexual activity
  • Overeating
  • Grief
  • Lack of sleep
  • Mental and work-related stress
  • The use of cocaine and other “recreational” drugs
  • Even the World Cup if you’re seriously into it and lose. (Oh nooooo….)

No joke. But then absolutely nothing is funny about a heart attack.


Wait. Heart? Hormones? What else don’t I know? When it comes to heart health, hormones play a leading role. The way they’re functioning in the body directly impacts the cardiovascular system, the heart and the blood vessels. What does this mean? When they’re working properly, hormones can help prevent heart disease. When they’re out of balance, they can cause it. We’ve got some 50 or so hormones coursing through our bloodstreams signaling every cell and organ as to what they’re supposed to do to keep them all doing what they’re supposed to. And many of these hormones affect how the heart functions.


There are hormones you’ve never-ever heard of (unless you’re a hormone expert) like catecholamines, endothelins, glucocorticosteroids, leptin and PTHrP, that when appearing in excess can increase heart rate. Then there are hormones you’ve most likely heard of like cortisol and adrenaline (fight or flight) that have confirmed ties to abnormal heart rhythms, and can contribute to vessel and structure-related conditions. Thyroid hormones which you probably think have to do with weight, also have direct effects on the heart. Hyperthyroidism increases heart rate and can cause palpitations as well as abnormal heart rhythms. One such abnormal heart rhythm is atrial fibrillation, which is an irregular beating of the heart and can lead to heart failure and stroke. Another example is insulin which too much of can cause type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems — like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. Stop! Well, fortunately, you can do something about it.


Before your left arm shoots up clutching your heart in a death (ironic) squeeze, fear not. There is someone who has years of experience in the heart-hormone connection; Denver Hormone Health. They have infinite knowledge in the intricate balance between hormones and head-to-toe health, including the heart. Every hormone expert at DHH understands which hormones can be a contributing factor to heart disease. They also know that hormones might not be an issue with you. It could be genetics. Lifestyle. A combination of many things. But it could be hormones. DHH is the place to find out. And do something about it. With simple tests, they can tell which hormone imbalances can be problematic when it comes to heart health. And those tests also let them create a unique treatment plan. So stop stressing (which isn’t good for anyone’s heart) and call DHH for an appointment now. Be still your heart.

New Year. New Start. New Goals.

Oh, boy, it’s that time of the year when making resolutions settle over people like dark clouds. Resolutions that set you up because they aren’t really realistic.

I resolve to:

  • Give up 3a.m. Netflix binge watching
  • Stop adding ad infinitum to online shopping carts
  • Swipe right more than left
  • Learn Urdu
  • Love myself as much as the Kardashians love themselves
  • Stop losing hair
  • Go cold emoji
  • Get organized
  • Never go to sleep without doing the dishes
  • Do 100 pushups every night before bed
  • Floss more

Never going to happen.

Less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.

Making resolutions shouldn’t be about looking back and lamenting last year’s failures. It should be about looking forward with unequivocal confidence.

The Army said it best: Be all that you can be. Be the best you. In the best shape. Feel your best ever. Feel stronger. More vibrant. Healthier. Younger.

Think nothing but positive. Like The Little Engine That Could, you can.

Right now, you probably feel a lot less than your best. The holidays, while filled with joy and cheer, can take a toll. But it’s a good chance you should be looking at your hormones as the culprit to your creeping malaise. There are more than 50 hormones swimming throughout your body affecting every cell and organ. These hormones tell your body what it’s supposed to do, but when they are out of balance, you could be out of luck. If there is one resolution to keep, it’s finding out what hormones could be whacked out and get them back in balance.

Need a few reasons to convince you? How about these:

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increased energy
  • Increased sex drive and sexual response
  • Decreased depression
  • Decreased fatigue,
  • Decrease anxiety, mood swings, hot flashes
  • Relieved menopausal symptoms
  • Better sleep

You get the idea.

So how do you get the help you need? This is the easiest of all New Year’s plans; Denver Hormone Health. Like our name says, we’re all about hormones. Our specialists have years of experience and unmatched expertise in anything and everything that has to do with hormones With the simplest of tests, they can get the total picture of where your hormone levels stand. (Or droop.) This then allows them to create a unique treatment plan tailored to your needs. A plan that could get your sex drive back on track. A plan that could help you lose weight and keep it off. A plan that could even include anti-aging treatments. You want to feel your best? Get the best.

At Denver Hormone Health, you get help head to toe.

Don’t make improbable goals your New Year’s resolutions. Make an appointment at Denver Hormone Health now.  And plan on making 2020 your best year ever.