Diabetes – Can It Be Reversed Through Weight-Loss?


Diabetes is a very scary disease that can drastically change your life and, when left unchecked, can easily become fatal.

A recent study out of San Francisco, however, has provided hope in the treatment of the disease.

The study followed two groups of patients suffering from diabetes or prediabetes.  One group (consisting of 2,262 patients) participated in a diabetes support and education-style intervention, while the other group (consisting of 2,241 patients) participated in an intensive weight-loss style intervention.  Participants were between 45 and 75 years of age in both groups, and had a median time since diabetes diagnosis of 5 years.  All were notably obese at the time of the baseline tests.

Those participating in the support and education group were given three annual group sessions that offered information on physical activity, diet and social support.  The intensive weight-loss group received weekly group and individual counseling/training sessions for the first six months, and was then followed by three monthly sessions for the second six months, then twice-monthly sessions from year two through year four.  They were also offered liquid meal replacements during their treatment.

The study followed both groups for four years, checking in on the patients once each year to monitor their glycemic status and body mass index (or BMI).


Based on these check-ins, the researchers found that the intensive weight-loss group lost significantly more weight, was in overall better health, and a higher rate of diabetes remission than those in the education group.

While it was noted that those experiencing remission was still statistically low, the chances of partial or complete remission was far greater in the weight-loss group, and even more so for sustained remission.


So now hitting the gym may not only tone your physique, it may also help keep your diabetes in check.

The researchers recommend consulting your doctor before participating in such a program, and be sure to continue use of any medication prescribed unless otherwise notified.

The Secret To Weight Loss

35.7% Of Americans Are Obese


Do you find yourself tying to lose weight, but it seems like no matter what you do your weight stays the same, or even worse, you gain weight!? Does it feel like you add-on a few extra pounds by simply walking past an ice cream store or local fast food joint? Well if so, you’re not alone.

The CDC reports that an astonishing 35.7% of Americans are obese; millions of whom are trying to shed those extra pounds.



Being overweight increases your risk of:

  • Type II diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Fatty liver
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gallbladder disease

So what’s the best way to lose weight?

Advertisements for weight loss are ubiquitous; whether on TV, in a magazine, or on the internet, you are probably all too familiar with the diets and exercise regimes touting themselves as the next “cure” to weight loss. However, losing weight and keeping those pounds from coming back is not easy.

The problem is that the body works hard to protect itself from extreme fluctuations, even if it is for the better. This adaptation was necessary thousands of years ago when our ancestors dealt with times of feast and famine. However, it’s function is somewhat antiquated in today’s society. Therefore, loosing weight requires healthy lifestyle changes that don’t cause the body to protect itself.

Just the other day I overheard a physician describing her struggle with weight loss. She talked about the extra pounds piling on despite her seemingly active lifestyle. To curtail this unfortunate set of circumstances she decided to increase her exercise and cut back on calories. However, to her dismay she continued to gain weight and feel even more tired than before. It wasn’t long after that she discovered her cortisol levels were out of control.

Her body, in an attempt to maintain homeostasis and cope with added stress (work, exercise and diet), increased cortisol output. What she discovered was that in order to lose weight, she did not need to eat less or workout harder. To the contrary, she needed to eat right (even if this meant more), decrease stress and supplement with bioidentical hormones. Her personal story is a great example of how the body will protect itself from extreme changes.  Now this is just one example of an individuals struggle. Everyone is different and therefore there may be several other factors playing into their specific situation.

Loose The Weight & Keep It Off

So before you make your next new years resolution and think that cutting out carbs for a month will solve the problem, think again. Long term success is defined by lifestyle change, and the only magic pill is hard work and dedication. Lifestyle changes include proper nutrition, exercise and well-balanced hormones. To find out more specifics about weight loss click on the links in this blog and contact Vitali-T Medical Clinics to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

Metabolic Syndrome

What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

If you spend time listening to news about health and wellness, you have probably heard the words “metabolic syndrome” mentioned on several occasions. What is metabolic syndrome and why is it important to you?

Well, metabolic syndrome is a term used to describe a group of risk factors that can increase your risk for coronary heat disease, stroke, type two diabetes and kidney disease. Identified some twenty years ago, metabolic syndrome is becoming more and more common. The American Heart Association estimates that it effects some 47 million Americans and this numbers appears to be on the rise. There are many theories as to why these numbers are increasing, but there is increasing evidence that a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition are two of the main culprits.

Signs of metabolic disorder:

  • Large waist size- Men 40 inches or greater- women 35 inches or greater
  • High triglycerides– 150 mg/dl or higher- or if you are taking a cholesterol medication
  • Low good cholesterol (HDL)-  for men less than 40mg/dl- for women less than 50mg/dl
  • Hight Blood Pressure- 135/85 or greater- or if you are taking a blood pressure medication
  • High fasting glucose levels of 100 mg/dl or greater

Now this does not mean that having one of these symptoms means you have metabolic syndrome. Instead, the more of the symptoms you have from the list above, the greater the likelihood is that you have metabolic syndrome.

Risk factors that can increase your chances of having Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Age- Risk of metabolic syndrome is 20 % for someone in their 40’s and up to 45% for someone 60 plus
  • More prone to blood clots and inflammation- Inflammation is often a sign of poor health that can lead to other chronic medical conditions
  • Other medical conditions such as fatty liver, cholesterol gallstones, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
  • Family History.
  • Ethnicity- some ethnicity’s have shown a higher propensity towards metabolic syndrome.


Unfortunately, there is not much anyone can do to change the risk factors listed above.  However, the good news, is that the emerging field of epigenetic has shown us that our genes are expressed based on several lifestyle factors.

These factors include:

– Diet

–  Weight

–  Smoking

–  Exercise

–  Hormone balance

–  Stress

Thus, a diet high in saturated fats, trans fats, salt, cholesterol, artificial sugars, and processed foods, or little exercise, smoking, being overweight, or having a hormone imbalance can increase your risk of metabolic syndrome. However, you can decrease your risk by eating lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, organic/natural foods, wholes wheats, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, optimal hormone levels, and not smoking.

This doesn’t mean that you have to make all of these changes or else. If you have several of the symptoms listed above and have poor habits; just making a few small changes can make a huge difference. For example, walking more instead of taking the elevator or escalator, cutting out soft drinks and drinking more water, or loosing 10 pounds can also make a profound difference. By making these changes now, you can affect whether or not your genes express health or disease.

To find out more about metabolic syndrome contact us today.