Know Your Hormones: The Difference Between Bio-identical & Synthetic

When seeking treatment for hormone replacement therapy, there are two completely different worlds of hormones. Depending on which you choose can have an enormous impact on results and in side effects. The apples and oranges of hormone therapy are bio-identical and synthetic treatments. While they are both made in a laboratory that is where their similarities end. Bio-identical hormones are developed from soy, yams, and other plant extracts. These extracts are then compounded at a compounding pharmacy to be an exact replica of the hormones naturally produced in the body. Synthetic hormones are also created in a lab, but are not identical to the hormones found in the human body. Bio-identical hormones have the same physiological effects as natural hormones without the possible negative side effects that synthetics do. Thus, the first major difference between the two, although they are created the same way, bio-identical are molecularly the same as human hormones, synthetics are not.

The second major difference is that unlike bio-identical hormones, synthetic hormones may be patented by pharmaceutical companies. Therefore dosages for synthetics only vary by a matter of milligrams, determined by your doctor, and the molecular structure of that prescribed hormone is the same for every person. Furthermore, the structure of that hormone is molecularly and physiologically different from that of natural human endogenous hormones. Since synthetic are not identical and can only mimic those of humans, treatment is not nearly as effective along biological levels, and can lead to a wide range of side effects including bloating, weight gain, fluid retention, migraines, stroke, increased cancer risk, and testicular shrinkage.  In summary, synthetic hormones are molecularly, biochemically, and physiologically different than that of those occurring in the human body. This leads to only minimum results due to a mimicked different structure of endogenous hormones along biological pathways. They are owned and patented by pharmaceutical companies, meaning that the dosages prescribed are very generic and can only be altered by the slightest degree. Individuality is also not integrated at all with synthetics. Because they are structurally different, the body can only incorporate limited amounts of the foreign substance, which leads to limited results and a leads to side effects that can range from uncomfortable to serious. It is also worth noting that all of the recent legal law suits and FDA investigations against testosterone treatment have been targeted at synthetic brands such as AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, Bio-T-Gel, Delatestryl, Depo-testosterone, Fortesta, Striant, and Testopel.

Since bio-identical hormones are exactly the same as endogenous human hormones, they are far more effective along biological pathways at all levels. For this same reason, side effects are extremely rare. If by some small chance side effects are observed, it is usually due to the dosage amount, which can be adjusted at a much greater volume. The side effects that can occur are not nearly as serious, such as acne, with bio-identical. This leads to another reason bio-identical treatment is so superior to synthetic. The treatment is specifically designed around the patient and their blood work reports, and can be adjusted however necessary to fit your individual needs, instead of just a generic dose that the pharmaceutical companies and synthetics offer. The overall level of care is far greater with bio-identical hormones because of its natural harmony with the body. The dosage matches according to what is needed according to all blood work and hormone level reports, and a broader range of hormones can be administered to balance all body systems. Testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, thyroid, and many others are all used with bio-identical to give the patient the most effective, extensive, and safest overall care and results possible. Bio-identical hormones are simply better and safer at every level across the board and should be the only treatment ever administered.