No Way, Pistachios Promote GI Health?

Healthy Gastro Intestinal Health Is Essential To Your Well-Being

When people think of the signs of aging, they often picture wrinkles and mental degeneration. What few tend to think about is the steady deterioration of their Gastro Intestinal (GI) health. As our GI systems age, they, like the rest of our bodies tend to slow down and not function as well as they once did. 

Findings suggest there are ways to boost the health of our GI systems. A recent out of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has found that nuts, particularly pistachio nuts, have multiple probiotic characteristics to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria within the GI tract.

The non-digestible portion of the nut (dietary fiber) serves as nourishment for naturally occurring bacteria in the stomach. They also contain multiple phytochemicals that actually have the ability to adjust the natural micbiota composition within the GI tract to allow it to function more efficiently.

This study consisted of 16 healthy individuals that were kept on a strict diet, with the only variable being the amount of pistachios they were given, varying between 0, 1.5 or 3 ounces. Throughout the study, the researchers took multiple stool samples, checking the composition of the bacterial community, as well as levels of Bifidobacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria (groups of microorganisms that help break down food).

Pistachio Study Results

After 19 days of mentoring these levels, the researchers found that the subjects who consumed 3 ounces of pistachios per day had increased production of various beneficial bacteria in their GI tracts, as well as increases in butyrate production, which plays an important role in colon health.

So don’t be afraid to enjoy that bowl of pistachios more often! You’ll be doing yourself, and your GI tract a favor.