6 Tips To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Years Resolution - Happy Couple

Only 46% Of People Who Make New Year Resolutions Maintain Them After 6 Months

Here’s how you can beat the odds:

1. Be Realistic

You can always adjust your goals and resolutions upwards, so start with something that is achievable. This allows you to create success and use that foundation to build upon.

2. Make Benchmark Goals

Resolutions should not be all or nothing propositions. Building in benchmark goals along the way offers both success and motivation. Be patient and celebrate your achievements along the way.

3. Accountability

Individuals who explicitly make New Year Resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goal. Maybe have an accountability buddy so you can keep each other in check.

4. Daily Reminders

Here is where your smartphone can really help you out by setting up daily reminders at strategic times. Again, have your partner or friend help you with reminders if needed. 

5. Reward Yourself.

Celebrate your milestones along the way and build upon your success. However, you may even find that rewarding someone else in the process may provide even more motivation for you to reach your goals.  

6. Keep Trying!

Remember that something is better than nothing when trying to improve yourself. Sometimes, baby steps pay off when you realize that you are making progress over time. Be patient and the only person that can take charge of your life . . . is you!