Top Secret: To Health & Longevity

Fountain Of Youth

For centuries, human beings have searching for the fountain of youth. Based on changes in life expectancy over the past century, one would think we were well on our way towards uncovering this mystery. After all, it was only in 1900 when the average life expectancy in the United States was 47.3 years. By 2010 the number had soared to 78.2, but at what cost?

Although we now live longer, we are not necessarily living healthier lives

What is the added value of having an extra 10-20 years if they’re spent in a wheelchair, laying in bed, or in a nursing home. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and wouldn’t it make much more sense to spend those last years engaging in activities you love and enjoy? Unfortunately, the former is a reality for many individuals, but does it have to be?

Okinawa Study











Perhaps one of the most intriguing long-term studies on aging comes from the island of Okinawa off the southern coast of Japan. The Okinawa Study, started in 1975, is an ongoing study of Okinawa’s centenarian population. They’ve become well-known for having the highest ratio of centenarians in the world, almost 50 per 100,000 people, which is three times higher than in the US. However, it’s not just their longevity that’s intriguing, but the quality of their lives that is most tantalizing. The citizens of Okinawa can be seen engaging in physical activities well into their 80’s and 90’s. They also boast a much lower incidence of heart disease, cancer, dementia, and osteoporosis than other countries, including the US. So what is the secret to this fountain of youth?

Biochemistry Is Not Fixed

For years science has pointed to genetics stating that our genes our biochemistry is fixed and cannot be changed. However, recent research provides an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to the contrary. Epigenetic’s, the study of environmental impact on genes, has proven that how we live our lives has a very powerful impact on how our genetic code is expressed. This is no more evident than in the Okinawa culture where the three lifestyle factors of low stress, diet, and exercise play a pertinent role in healthy aging.

The Okinawa study also conducted research on their hormone levels

Okinawan elders were found to have much higher levels of critical hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen and DHEA; than their American counterparts. As they age, Okinawan’s maintain above average levels of these critical hormones, once again showing us the importance of adequate hormone levels for healthy aging.

Although we have uncovered some of the secrets to living longer, we have not necessary figured out how to live better.  The Okinawa Study provides us with insight into how we may be able to achieve this goal. The good news is that we can have control over our life expectancy and quality of life, and it’s never too late to start taking action.

To find out how you can take a step in the right direction, contact Vitali-T Medical Clinics today, so can help you achieve overall wellness!

Food – The Best Medicine

48% Of Americans Are Currently Taking At Least One Prescription Medication

\The vast majority of the population will be prescribed one medication during their lifetime. It is also likely that when we take a prescription medication, we know the expected outcome. For example, taking an antibiotic will fight off a bacterial infection, a statin will decrease cholesterol, and an anti inflammatory medication will decrease pain.

However, we rarely think about the one medication that we take everyday, and is not prescribed; food

The food we eat contains nutrients that can either promote health or create disease, and it’s up to us to make the decision of what food, or “medicine,” we take each day. In fact, the incidence of many of todays most common chronic medical conditions such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and Heart Disease could be drastically decreased with a proper diet.

So why is it that so many individuals don’t pay attention to what they eat?

Maybe they don’t know the difference between what’s healthy and what’s harmful. Or maybe it’s because the effects of eating a poor diet take time to manifest into a chronic illness. Whatever the reason is, many American’s eat a diet high in simple carbohydrates, sugars, processed foods and bad fats; appropriately labeling the “Standard American Diet” with the acronym SAD.

When we eat food it is digested and broken down as it travels from our mouths, through our stomach to the intestines. This break down process leads to oxidation and free radicals which can damage our bodies tissue and DNA. The amount of oxidation and free radicals depends largely on the foods we consume. Foods that increases free radicals and oxidation create an inflammatory response in the body and it’s this inflammation that leads to the chronic medical conditions listed above.

Our bodies do an excellent job of fighting off the effects of inflammation, oxidation and free radicals, but it’s a battle that eventually takes it’s tollvitamins-for-acne-2

This wear and tear is analogous to what occurs to a new car. Some cars come with better manufactured parts, just as some of us are born with “better” genetics. But what happens if you put your car through tough conditions day in and day out without the proper maintenance? Well it’s much like eating a poor diet and having a sedentary lifestyle. No matter how good your parts are, the lack of maintenance is bound to wear down your parts.

Not only does the food we eat affect our health, but it also affects our sleep, energy levels, neurotransmitters and hormone levels, hair growth, and our skin, just to name a few.

Tips to a healthy, anti inflammatory diet:

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables,. Organic is best, however it is not always necessary. The Environmental Working Group has a great site with suggestions on what fruits and vegetables are most important to buy organic. They refer to them as the “dirty dozen and clean 15.”.
  • Eat lean meats.
  • Free range poultry with no antibiotics, synthetic hormones or preservatives.
  • Eat grass-fed meats vs corn-fed meats. Grass fed meats are high in Omega 3’s while corn-fed meats are high in Omega 6’s, which are anti inflammatory.
  • Stay away from farm raised fish and eat wild caught which are high in Omega 3’s. Farm raised fish are fed corn and soy which are high in Omega 6 (pro inflammatory).
  • Avoid processed, refined foods and stick with whole foods instead. Processed foods contain chemicals that are bad for the  body. To see a great example of processed foods check out a clip of the bionic burger.
  • Decrease intake of hydrogenated and saturated fats and eat unsaturated fats that can be found in foods such as cocoanut oil, avocado, and nuts.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet), MSG (monosodium glutamate), caffeine, and alcohol.

With all of this said, it’s important to note that the foods today tend to contain lower levels of nutrients than in the past. Instead of eating one apple you need to have two, instead of having a handful of berries you need to have two, and so on, to get the same level of nutrients. This is why most individuals require additional supplementation and replacement of these essential nutrients.

To find our more about supplementation and proper nutrition click on the links in this blog and contact Vitali-T Medical Clinics to help you get on the path towards optimal health and wellness.


The Secret To Weight Loss

35.7% Of Americans Are Obese


Do you find yourself tying to lose weight, but it seems like no matter what you do your weight stays the same, or even worse, you gain weight!? Does it feel like you add-on a few extra pounds by simply walking past an ice cream store or local fast food joint? Well if so, you’re not alone.

The CDC reports that an astonishing 35.7% of Americans are obese; millions of whom are trying to shed those extra pounds.



Being overweight increases your risk of:

  • Type II diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Fatty liver
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gallbladder disease

So what’s the best way to lose weight?

Advertisements for weight loss are ubiquitous; whether on TV, in a magazine, or on the internet, you are probably all too familiar with the diets and exercise regimes touting themselves as the next “cure” to weight loss. However, losing weight and keeping those pounds from coming back is not easy.

The problem is that the body works hard to protect itself from extreme fluctuations, even if it is for the better. This adaptation was necessary thousands of years ago when our ancestors dealt with times of feast and famine. However, it’s function is somewhat antiquated in today’s society. Therefore, loosing weight requires healthy lifestyle changes that don’t cause the body to protect itself.

Just the other day I overheard a physician describing her struggle with weight loss. She talked about the extra pounds piling on despite her seemingly active lifestyle. To curtail this unfortunate set of circumstances she decided to increase her exercise and cut back on calories. However, to her dismay she continued to gain weight and feel even more tired than before. It wasn’t long after that she discovered her cortisol levels were out of control.

Her body, in an attempt to maintain homeostasis and cope with added stress (work, exercise and diet), increased cortisol output. What she discovered was that in order to lose weight, she did not need to eat less or workout harder. To the contrary, she needed to eat right (even if this meant more), decrease stress and supplement with bioidentical hormones. Her personal story is a great example of how the body will protect itself from extreme changes.  Now this is just one example of an individuals struggle. Everyone is different and therefore there may be several other factors playing into their specific situation.

Loose The Weight & Keep It Off

So before you make your next new years resolution and think that cutting out carbs for a month will solve the problem, think again. Long term success is defined by lifestyle change, and the only magic pill is hard work and dedication. Lifestyle changes include proper nutrition, exercise and well-balanced hormones. To find out more specifics about weight loss click on the links in this blog and contact Vitali-T Medical Clinics to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.