Hormone Facts: Stranger than Fiction
Hormones Are Pretty Amazing Things
Hormone Facts: Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These critical messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to systems like reproduction, and even emotions and mood. There is not a single person on Earth who is not completely dependent on their endocrine system. Without hormones, you would simply not be able to exist. It can get pretty complex, medical and factual if you really dig into them.
But There Are Many Facts and Theories About Hormones That Are Surprisingly Eye-Opening.
Even unbelievable. The only way to demonstrate these are to list some of them. Don’t be surprised if the thoughts “you’re kidding” and “no way” come to mind…
The Use of Electronics Can Really Mess Up Our Minds.
One week of camping, without electronics, can help the body synchronize melatonin hormones with sunrise and sunset, and get a normal sleep pattern back on track.
Heil Whaaat?
During World War ll, the Allies considered injecting estrogen into Hitler’s food to make him less aggressive and cause his moustache to fall off.
Your Hangover Is the Result of Drunk Hormones
When we drink alcohol, it messes with the job of the antidiuretic hormone. What follows is the incessant peeing that happens when you drink, which is a major contributor in being hungover. So think of it this way: every time you drink, you’re kind of getting your hormones drunk too, because they quit behaving appropriately — like you.
SPF For Your Eyeballs?
If you don’t want a sunburn, don’t wear sunglasses. Because sunlight triggers the optic nerve, it immediately puts the pituitary gland on the defense. In response, melanocyte is released to prevent you from getting a sunburn. However, when you put on sunglasses, nothing is triggered, so nothing is released.
Testosterone Road Trip
Testosterone can cross the blood-brain barrier and be converted to estrogen, but estrogen alone, cannot cross. As a result, men have more “estrogen on the brain” than women.
No Bones About It
Responsible for producing hormones that control, well, pretty much everything, the pituitary gland is also known as the master gland. You can also have 95 percent of this master gland removed and your body will still function properly. That’s because every part of the body is able to make hormones — including bones.
Take This Seriously
There are some 50 different hormones swimming through your bloodstream that play a really big role in your body’s health and well-being. When they are out of balance, it can seriously affect how your body functions. In many cases, when you aren’t feeling well, it could well be hormones. The best way to find out is to find your way to Denver Hormone Health. If it has anything to do with hormones, the doctors at Denver Hormone Health know what to do about it. With simple tests they can tell what’s out of whack, and create a tailored treatment plan to get you back on track. And feeling better than ever. Call Denver Hormone Health for an appointment now. There’s nothing funny about not feeling well.