New Year. New Start. New Goals.

Oh, boy, it’s that time of the year when making resolutions settle over people like dark clouds. Resolutions that set you up because they aren’t really realistic.

I resolve to:

  • Give up 3a.m. Netflix binge watching
  • Stop adding ad infinitum to online shopping carts
  • Swipe right more than left
  • Learn Urdu
  • Love myself as much as the Kardashians love themselves
  • Stop losing hair
  • Go cold emoji
  • Get organized
  • Never go to sleep without doing the dishes
  • Do 100 pushups every night before bed
  • Floss more

Never going to happen.

Less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.

Making resolutions shouldn’t be about looking back and lamenting last year’s failures. It should be about looking forward with unequivocal confidence.

The Army said it best: Be all that you can be. Be the best you. In the best shape. Feel your best ever. Feel stronger. More vibrant. Healthier. Younger.

Think nothing but positive. Like The Little Engine That Could, you can.

Right now, you probably feel a lot less than your best. The holidays, while filled with joy and cheer, can take a toll. But it’s a good chance you should be looking at your hormones as the culprit to your creeping malaise. There are more than 50 hormones swimming throughout your body affecting every cell and organ. These hormones tell your body what it’s supposed to do, but when they are out of balance, you could be out of luck. If there is one resolution to keep, it’s finding out what hormones could be whacked out and get them back in balance.

Need a few reasons to convince you? How about these:

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increased energy
  • Increased sex drive and sexual response
  • Decreased depression
  • Decreased fatigue,
  • Decrease anxiety, mood swings, hot flashes
  • Relieved menopausal symptoms
  • Better sleep

You get the idea.

So how do you get the help you need? This is the easiest of all New Year’s plans; Denver Hormone Health. Like our name says, we’re all about hormones. Our specialists have years of experience and unmatched expertise in anything and everything that has to do with hormones With the simplest of tests, they can get the total picture of where your hormone levels stand. (Or droop.) This then allows them to create a unique treatment plan tailored to your needs. A plan that could get your sex drive back on track. A plan that could help you lose weight and keep it off. A plan that could even include anti-aging treatments. You want to feel your best? Get the best.

At Denver Hormone Health, you get help head to toe.

Don’t make improbable goals your New Year’s resolutions. Make an appointment at Denver Hormone Health now.  And plan on making 2020 your best year ever.